
I read a book on chaos once
filled with fractals and equations
it must be important
at least that’s what the smart say
I wouldn’t know
I’m not that clever

What I do know
is chaos of the soul

When I was a child
my father controlled the universe
I slept well
knowing this was so

at night after he tucked me into bed
I would wonder
if he and superman came to blows
who would win
I knew it would be close

I’m old now
and tired, tired of explaining evil
the needless wars among nations
the murder of children

exhausted by the cacophonous chatter of small minds

I don’t know what any of this means
other than

I live in the useful
and necessary fiction

that in the end
it will all work out
everything will be understood
order will reign eternal
chaos will be just a memory
and my father will once again
rule the universe

-Stan A. Baldwin-